Creative Projects

Though I am not a photographer or writer by profession, I enjoy engaging in them as hobbies. My work is hosted a few places around the web. Here’s a consolidated list:





Photography is one of my favorite hobbies, especially coupled with travel.

My primary online image hub is my Flickr.

I have additional award-winning photography here.



Writing more is one of my perpetual New Year’s Resolutions.

In recognizance that I spend more time reading, I’ve started to do book reviews. My online writing can be found here.


Google Earth Mapping:

One of my main hobbies is mapping railroads on Google Earth. I find it a fun way to wind down and create something beautiful at the same time. You can find my maps here.




My Logo

My personal logo, containing my initials, is inspired by the classic mid-20th century European railway logos. A great overview of those is available here.